Saturday, February 3, 2018

Alt Right Talking Points for Radio/Constituent Calls

Instead of some boring first post I will provide something that could be helpful to some NEETs/spergs who want to be helpful and try to red-pill some normie cons.

Here are some simple talking points for anyone who would like to call into radio shows or their representative's office. The dog whistle is your best friend, as we don't want to get shrugged off as crazy. For calling congressional offices, I highly recommend using a Google Voice number so that you can select the area code which will make the staffer/intern who answers constituent calls believe you're within the official's district/state. As for radio, I would recommend Savage or Ingraham due to their more Nationalistic tendencies, though Hannity is such a Trump cheerleader you can likely get some good lines in there too.

Talk Radio:
Rush 1-800-282-2882
Michael Savage 1-800-449-8255
Laura Ingraham 1-800-743-4443
Sean Hannity 1-800-941-7326
Mark Levin 1-877-381-3811
Senate/Congressional Switch board: 202-224-3121

  • The burden of proof should be on those who want to bring these folks in. It's our country and we should be sure that these people will contribute to our economy and community.

  • Illegal Immigrants cannot be given amnesty. Ronald Reagan's attempt to make the Hispanics a loyal voter block, modeled after LBJ's courting of the black voter block, was based on amnesty and it failed miserably and gave away his home state.

  • Illegal Immigrants make up a third of the prison population. We cannot afford to babysit the world's problem children. This is unsustainable.

  • If Kate Steinle's memorial or Justine Damond's memorial are "offensive" and must be removed then why does Michael Brown have a tax funded plaque for attempting to murder a police officer?

  • If Russia interfered in our democracy, then what exactly are AIPAC and La Raza doing? Do those groups get a pass? I'm confused by this double standard.

  • If we are suppose to worry about machines taking a large number of jobs, then why must we continue to import low skilled people from the third world? What's the point of this?

  • Israel built a wall and is deporting "migrants" and what I do not understand is why the Neoconservatives oppose the same thing for America. I mean Bill Kristol all but called Tucker Carlson a Nazi for espousing normal beliefs.

  • Everyone discusses diversity as though it's sacred. But I've been wondering where it ends? If diversity must be achieved, then will mass immigration be halted when the country is 49% white? Or must we go till the country is 10% white?

Here is an example of the perfect call. The gentleman gets Rush to implicitly state that there is something not right about these "conservative" Jews. The topic begins at the 2:01.00 mark.

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